Money is needed to purchase almost all the necessities a college student needs. Sometimes, students need to pay to have fun. It is no secret that the economy also affects tuition fees and other costs go up almost yearly. But having a full-packed schedule for studies, how can a student add a job?
This is the reason why there are college students who opt to start their own business that fit their skills in the limited time they have.
Here are nine business ideas that college students can engage in:
Residential Cleaning Service
First, post an ad regarding your services, it may be an online or offline advertisement. As a starter, you may require all the clients to supply the majority of the cleaning supplies. You may also use recyclable rags and diluted white vinegar solution for cleaning. You should also overestimate the amount of time it will take to clean. Lastly, if the area is large, you can charge for an hourly rate.
Moving Service
Every fall or summer breaks, some students move their stuff at dorms or in their house. Starting up this business needs a lot of energy and the ability to move and lift heavy and large items and furniture.
Child Caretaker
There is a frequent demand for babysitters, and it is a perfect opportunity for those who are good at handling kids. This kind of service involves an incredible amount of responsibility. Having confidence in your skills as a caregiver is essential. Take up first aid and babysitting training classes before starting this kind of gig. Also, take time to do a background check for those who want your service to be familiar and knowledgeable in what way you will handle the child.
Tutors are always in demand. There are several options when starting up a tutorial gig, such as tutoring through a college’s peer tutoring center or being an independent tutor. The difference between the two is the advertisement procedure. college peer tutoring centers are the ones that will advertise for you, while independent tutors advertise for themselves. Make sure to look up what other tutors are charging before setting your own rate.
Event Organizer Or Promoter
It is networking with the local venue musicians and owners by acting as the liaison between the venues and local entertainers. If you are capable of planning and executing successful events, then you must do this as a start-up. You may have to promote through guerrilla marketing tactics like putting up posters, giving flyers, and spreading the word-of-mouth. Online advertisement through social media is also an effective way. For this to become successful, you should have exceptional communication skills and organizational skills. Take time to learn the fundamentals of business, marketing, and finance, as these are necessary for an event organizer.
Resume Writing Service
This is for those who know how to organize information. The resume you offers should be flawless so you may want to go into the school’s campus career counseling center to learn resume writing. This can help when you or someone is applying for a summer internship or job after college.
All businesses have to maintain bookkeeping records, and it is best to have a basic knowledge of accounting, decent computer skills, and the ability to navigate real-world business and financial problems.
Jewelry Maker
If you are a creative type of person, you may want to use that skill to earn a few cash. Making jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and such can be one source of income. This jewelry can be sold on an e-commerce platform. You may also practice taking photographs as it may be needed when promoting your product online.
Delivery And Errand Service
Delivery services and running errands such as picking up takeout and grocery shopping for someone can be a great way to make extra cash.